Botulinum toxin (colloquially known as “Botox”, although this is just one brand of the treatment) has been used now for many years to soften muscular movement. Tiny doses of dilute botulinum toxin are injected into the face to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles. This is a quick and relatively pain-free procedure. It takes 5-7 days for the effect of wrinkle relaxing injections to become apparent. The effect will last for 3-4 months and then slowly wear off. Whilst there are possible side effects associated with injections, these are mild and temporary.
Wrinkle relaxing (botulinum toxin) injections are excellent at treating lines known as ‘dynamic’ lines. These are the lines produced by facial movement, such as the frown lines between the eyebrows (11s), horizontal forehead lines and crow’s feet. It can also be used in areas on the lower face and neck where muscular movement is causing a pull on the skin. Botulinum toxin works best when these lines are not too deep at rest, but are starting to appear more obvious. Once the lines from facial movement become very deep, botulinum toxin may soften them, but other treatments may be needed alongside it.
Dr Emma will assess your facial movement to ensure that the dose of injection is tailored to your individual needs and desired effect. Very small doses (‘baby toxin’) can be injected to give a very subtle, natural and refreshed look.
Botulinum toxin treatment requires little to no downtime after the procedure, although on your first treatment, we advise not to have meetings or social events scheduled straight after. You may have small needle marks or red bumps which will quickly settle down. It is important you don’t exercise, have any facials or massages, lie down for four hours after the treatment or drink alcohol for 24 hours.
“Contact me to discuss muscle relaxing injections now.”
To schedule an appointment with Dr Emma Wedgeworth contact us using one of the options below.