How can YOU minimise the effects?


What happens to skin as you age?

By focusing on increasing the ‘healthspan’ of our skin, we can ensure it stays healthier for longer. With increasing life expectancy, our skin has to endure more years of UV and environmental damage and last us longer than ever. Visible signs of ageing such as wrinkles and pigmentation are in fact, signs of damage that have occurred over many years. So healthy ageing isn’t just about the appearance of the skin; it’s about keeping the skin functioning efficiently.

Dr Emma’s approach to healthy ageing

Healthy skin will always look great.  If we prioritise keeping our skin healthy, we optimise its appearance because fundamentally healthy skin looks bright and glowy. Ageing is a process and Dr Emma is here to  support you along the way.  She  will always start by understanding your  individual skin, what you want to achieve, your goals and your boundaries.  She can then build a programme from inside out to make the best of your skin now and for the future. She helps take the guess workout of choosing the right skincare products,active ingredients and treatments and helps guide you towards the most effective approach for you.

What is Dr Emma’s expertise with healthy ageing?

Dr Emma has years of experience of treating the signs of skin ageing. She is an executive member of the British Cosmetic Dermatology Group and founder member of the Royal Society of Medicine aesthetics section.

How Dr Emma treats skin during healthy ageing?

With so many treatments, procedures and creams all over the press and social media, it can be hard to distinguish fact from fiction, to know where to start and what is right for our individual needs. Dr Emma can help guide you through the dizzying array of options and come up with a plan that is right for you.

Healthy ageing can start at any age, and is divided into prevention and correction. For younger patients prevention is the emphasis, whilst as time goes on more focus may be given to correction.

She will advise you on products and ingredients that will benefit your skin. This may include retinoids, antioxidants and acids. In some cases, these creams may need to be personalised to suit your skin.

What does a healthy ageing regime look like?

Skincare regimes for healthy ageing.

This will be tailored to your individual skin needs following an in depth analysis of your skin by Dr Emma.


Procedures in Dr Emma’s hands are always subtle. She offers the following:

Muscle relaxing injections (toxins)

These are excellent for lines which develop due to facial expression, particularly in the upper face and the effect can be tailored depending on the desired outcome.


Microneedling can be used as a general rejuvenation tool or for areas of acne scarring. It can be combined with platelet rich plasma (PRP) – a speaicalist technique to use your blood’s own growth factors to help boost skin cell renewal.

Hyaluronic acid skin booster injections

These can be used to intensify hydration of the skin, as well as helping with the appearance of lines and wrinkles.


Some of the newest injectable treatments to help skin rejuvenation particularly in delicate areas such as the under eye region.

A Word from Dr Emma

“Healthy skin as you age is entirely manageable, make an appointment to discuss your skin now.”


Your healthy skin journey starts here.

To schedule an appointment with Dr Emma Wedgeworth contact us using one of the options below.


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