What is acne scarring?

Once an active spot has faded, acne can leave a number of different type of marks on the skin.  Depending on the type of mark, this may be temporary or more permanent.  Acne scarring can present as:

1) Flat, red marks – post-inflammatory erythema

2) Flat brown marks – post inflammatory hyperpigmentation

3) Dips within the skin – atrophic scars. Atrophic scars can further be broken down into different subtypes like ice-pick, boxcar and rolling scars.

4) Bumpy scars – keloid or hypertrophic scars. These are raised and may be red or skin coloured

What are the treatments for acne scarring?

Before embarking on any treatment for acne scarring it is essential that active acne is well controlled and there is no potential for further scarring.

The treatment for scars will entirely depend on the exact type of scarring. Acne scarring treatment is a process and may require a number of different modalities to tackle individual scar type.

Treatment options include:

1) Microneedling

2) Lasers

3) Scar injections with steroid treatments

4) Local application of TCA (trichloracetic acid – TCA cross)

A Word from Dr Emma

“Contact me to discuss acne scarring now.”


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