What happens to skin during childhood

Over the childhood years, the skin’s physiology develops and matures. Infants and babies have extremely sensitive skin barrier which evolves over time. Eczema is very common, with 1 in 5 children in the UK suffering from eczema. In childhood, the skin’s immune system is a highly reactive immune system, with children and babies frequently developing skin rashes in response to skin care products, infections or other triggers. In addition, childhood is a time when the microbiome of the skin is developing its imprint and evolving in diversity. All of these experiences and exposures will shape skin well into adulthood.

Dr Emma’s approach to children’s skin

There are a wide range of skin conditions that can impact on skin during childhood and Dr Emma can provide expert diagnosis and treatment for these. But healthy skin is more than just treating visible skin conditions.  It’s what we put on our child’s skin, the environment we expose our children to and the role models we are when looking after our own skin. The skin has a long memory and what happens to our skin in childhood can have a lasting effect on our skin health in later life.

Dr Emma aims to future-proof children’s skin, supporting you to look after your child’s skin in the best ways possible.

Dr Emma’s expertise with children’s skin

Dr Emma is very experienced in treating children’s skin, having done a fellowship in Paediatric dermatology at the prestigious St John’s institute of Dermatology and a Diploma of Child Health at the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, London.  She is passionate about looking after skin health from the day a child is born.

How Dr Emma treats skin during childhood

Dr Emma has two priorities when treating children:


To ensure skin does not impact on or distress a child in their day-to-day life; and


To optimise their future skin health

This is achieved in a number of ways and may require a combination of expert medical treatments, skin care and healthy skin habits. Dr Emma focuses on calming inflammation, maintaining the skin barrier and reducing environmental damage.

A Word from Dr Emma

“Make an appointment to discuss your children’s skin now.”


Your healthy skin journey starts here.

To schedule an appointment with Dr Emma Wedgeworth contact us using one of the options below.


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